Monday, July 26, 2010

Unit 15

Learn 80 percent vocabulary of the Qur'an

Download MP3 of examples with translations for the following wordlist

Word Transliteration Meaning
أَلْقَى al´qaa he threw
اِسْتَغْفَرَ is´tagh´fara he sought forgiveness
اِخْتَلَفَ ikh´talafa he differed
اِتَّبَعَ it-taba‘a he followed
اِتَّخَذَ it-takhadha he took/he adopted
اِتَّقَى it-taqaa he feared
اِفْتَرَى if´taraa he fabricated a lie
اِهْتَدَى ih´tadaa he followed the right path
اِبْتَغَى ib´taghaa he sought
اِنْقَلَبَ in´qalaba he turned
اِنْتَهَى in´tahaa he refrained
تَوَلَّى tawal-laa he followed

Please visit to practice these words.

learn arabic, learning arabic, arabic vocabulary, quranic arabic, understand quran, quran arabic, learn quranic arabic

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Unit 14

Learn 80 percent vocabulary of the Qur'an

Download MP3 of examples with translations for the following wordlist

Word Transliteration Meaning
أَغْنَى agh´naa he benefited
أَقَامَ aqaama he set upright
أَنْجَى an´jaa he saved
أَوْحَى aw´haa he inspired/he commanded
أَوْفَى aw´faa he fulfilled
آمَنَ aamana he believed
آ تَى aataa he gave
تَذَكَّرَ tadhak-kara he reflected/he remembered
تَبَيَّنَ tabay-yana it became clear
تَوَلَّى tawal-laa he turned away
تَوَفَّى tawaf-faa he took life
تَبَارَكَ tabaaraka he/it was blessed

Please visit to practice these words.

learn arabic, learning arabic, arabic vocabulary, quranic arabic, understand quran, quran arabic, learn quranic arabic